Please contact the Membership Secretary for a Membership Form by clicking here: Membership Secretary
We are full at present so you will go on a short waiting list
Who can join the U3A?
Membership of the U3A is open to those in their third age, which is defined as the period of life in which full-time employment has ceased. Anyone in their third age can join the U3A, including those who work part-time.
What does membership of the U3A offer me?
Membership of the U3A provides the opportunity to meet new people and share skills and interests in a friendly environment. You will be able to attend our monthly meeting, join as many of our interest groups as you like and participate in our popular programme of visits and events. We also have a reciprocal arrangement with the other three Maldon U3As which allows members to join each other's groups provided there are spaces available.
How much does it cost?
The current membership fee is £20 per membership year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March, New members can join at any time of the year. Those joining after 30th June will pay a reduced subscription for the remainder of the year. If you are a UK tax payer we can also claim gift aid on your membership if you fill in the section on the application form.
Payment of the membership fee entitles you to the following:
- Attendance at the monthly meetings
- Membership of as many interest groups as you wish (although there will be additional charges to cover room hire, entry fees, etc. where applicable)
- Access to a range of competitively priced visits and events
- An online monthly newsletter to keep you up-to-date with what is going on
- Membership Services of the Third Age Trust including: Receipt through the post of the U3A Magazine, Third Age Matters 3 times a year; Third Party Liability Insurance during a U3A activity and Access to legal advice via a U3A helpline.
- Members of Limebrook Maldon U3A can also attend interest groups offered by the other Maldon Cluster Group U3As - see cluster group page for more details.
Associate Membership
The associate membership form is for members of another u3a group who wish to join one of our interest groups. It is to enable us to ensure we have the correct personal and emergency contact details on our system, The membership is free and exclusively for a specific interest group and does not entitle attendance at any other group, event or meeting.